Collected Resources

This is a gathering spot for sharing things I've found useful over the years. Much of the content is links to other web-based resources, as well as book recommendations.


I have tried to organize it loosely by subject matter to make it easier to navigate - there is a lot here. I've also tagged the nature of various resources; they mostly fall into "informational" (great places to learn) and "actionable" (concrete, real things we can all do at any time to make a difference).


Note that the "information" links are still great resources for action, but they may not directly suggest things to do - turning that information into action requires some work on the part of the reader. These are, for the most part, the more important resources; but for those who are unsure of how to start taking action, the "actionable" links may be a more useful place to begin developing habits for better praxis (turning theory into action).


Please be aware that this collection is not curated for avoiding triggers. It is only reasonable to expect strong (and often difficult) emotions when engaging with these resources. Please take time to learn to invest in yourself so you can sustain this work.


Also, a minor caveat. I will update and refine this list from time to time, although it is not a huge priority for me; I need to allocate my spoons carefully. So over time, I may grow away from some of these that I may have once recommended highly. I leave the list intact as much as I can to help illustrate my own path of change and growth in life.


I hope these can be of value to you as well.


Resource Subjects



Additional Collections

NeuroSpicy Networking Resources Doc by Jesenia - a great Google doc with a wide variety of resources, touching on many of the same subjects as this collection, and even more. Also check out Jesenia's additional linktree.


Further Resources




This collection is a Starship Gender project.